Category: Uncategorized


Hyperfocal focusing technique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu nisi ligula. Mauris laoreet tellus non orci feugiat fringilla. Suspendisse non diam lorem. Pellentesque ornare odio vel sem egestas consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mauris justo, cursus sed finibus sit amet, molestie vel est. Fusce eu nisi blandit, ultricies risus a, bibendum lacus. Ut sodales purus a dolor facilisis eleifend. [...]
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Using a standard or telephoto lens

Curabitur luctus in velit non volutpat. Vestibulum fringilla mollis elit, eget sollicitudin nibh ullamcorper nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non ex scelerisque, blandit diam id, tempor velit. Morbi rhoncus elit non ex aliquet, eget finibus nunc congue. Vestibulum bibendum pellentesque nisl, sed posuere tellus blandit accumsan. Morbi tellus [...]
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Use Aperture Priority mode

Donec sit amet ullamcorper est. Quisque non nunc interdum, tempor tellus aliquet, dapibus metus. Fusce quis est eget neque feugiat mattis ut eget eros. Pellentesque ultrices odio tempus ex lobortis, eu mollis magna cursus. Vestibulum et justo ligula. Ut mattis lacinia tellus, non pellentesque massa fermentum a. Aenean id lectus sed libero vehicula eleifend suscipit a sem. Nam maximus sem magna, eu lobortis libero facilisis [...]
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Focus on the eyes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet viverra leo. Curabitur venenatis, nulla id auctor tempus, tortor lorem pretium dolor, id maximus lectus arcu sed nibh. Sed nec neque dui. Aenean vitae nisl vel nulla ultricies congue. Maecenas feugiat lectus dui, sit amet tempus nibh faucibus eget. Nulla odio quam, efficitur et pharetra gravida, mattis nec velit. Integer ultrices leo diam, a [...]
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Design Inspired from fruits

As a designer, when you have a new project, the source of design inspirations can stimulate your creativity. And today we have a showcase of 45 creative fruit and vegetable logo designs for your inspiration. You can look all of these logos have a brilliant way to tell you something about the company that it is supposed to represent.When you’re inspired, creativity flourishes. So as [...]
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New Headphones Brand

This is a list of headphone manufacturers. A headphone is a pair of small loudspeakers that are designed to be held in place close to a user's ears. They are also known as ear speakers, earphones or, colloquially, cans. The alternate in-ear versions are known as earbuds or earphones. In the context of telecommunication, a headset is a combination of headphone and microphone. Headphones either [...]
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Desk Space Design

For some lucky creative agencies the days of dull and drab cubicle spaces are long gone, with employers realising that inspiring surroundings can have a direct effect on their employees' creativity. They don't have to be located in famous buildings – a tranquil setting, games area, or amazing design office mural can all help to stir the creative juices.Sua is an interesting hybrid of a [...]
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Iphone UX Design

For designers, the only noticeable design changes are bolder titles and bigger use of cards, as seen in native apps like Music and News. Whereas iOS 7 started with a widespread use of thin fonts, iOS 10 is going back to using bolder texts.Sua is an interesting hybrid of a typeface. A handsome sans serif that comes in seven weights, Sua’s extended curves give it [...]
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